10:00 AM10:00

Acton Food Pantry Drive

In times when it feels like uncertainty and division are all around us, we have the power to bring positive change. Here’s your chance to make an immediate impact by helping those who need it most in our community.

So happy to be partnering with our friends Boxborough Democratic Town Committee food drive for the Acton Food Pantry.

This is more than just a donation drive. It’s an opportunity to show our community what we can accomplish when we come together for a common cause.

Snow date: Feb 9, 2025

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4:00 PM16:00

Post-Holiday Gathering

We are delighted to co-host a post-holiday gathering with our friends at the Boxborough and Sudbury Democratic Town Committees.

Come relax, reconnect, and enjoy some good food and drinks with friends and fellow Democrats. We will have a cash bar available, and we’re asking for a $10 contribution per person to help cover costs, but please know it’s not mandatory.

You can pay via Act Blue HERE or cash in- person. 


Snow date: Sunday, Jan 12

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5:45 PM17:45

November General Meeting

Don’t miss our November general meeting! Gather at 5:30p to socialize. Meeting will begin at 5:45p.

We have a full agenda. Topcis include (not necessarily in order):

  • Upcoming Special Town Meeting

  • Discussion of Election Results

  • Discussion of Congressman Seth Moulton’s anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric

  • Membership fee increase

  • Annual post-holiday gathering plans

Hope you will join us!

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1:00 PM13:00

Community Service Day

The annual fall community service day is planned for the afternoon of Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 1pm.

Acton DTC members and friends have been participating in these days for several years at the Trail Through Time, a heritage trail through town-owned conservation lands in North Acton. The Trail includes sites and stone structures representative of two distinct cultures, the colonial and the Native American, that existed both serially and concurrently within a relatively small geographical area. The focus will be on trail maintenance, once again in collaboration with the Friends of Pine Hawk. Ian Bergemann, Acton’s Land Stewardship Coordinator, will be there to help guide our efforts.

All ages welcome. If you would like to help, please RSVP to Bob Ferrara at 617-513-9355 or rferrara@mit.edu. Also there is an optional pay-your-own-way brunch beforehand at 11:30am at the Blackbird Cafe, where Ian and Bob can share some of the special history of these Town-owned lands, which comprise the largest undeveloped area in Acton.

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7:00 PM19:00

Forum: Pathways to Equality

Please join us for a forum moderated by Senator Jamie Eldridge: Pathways to Equality: - Tackling Wealth, Income, and Racial Inequality in Massachusetts and America (Realities, Challenges, and Solutions).

Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/pathwaystoequality


Dr. Jeff Fuhrer: Previously served as Executive Vice President and Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Dr. Fuhrer brings a wealth of experience in economic policy and a commitment to diversity and inclusion. He is also the author of the thought-provoking book "The Myth That Made Us: How False Beliefs about Racism and Meritocracy Broke Our Economy (and How to Fix It)".

Colin Jones: Deputy Policy Director at the Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center. Colin's research focuses on K-12 and higher education policy and finance, offering crucial insight into how education policy intersects with economic inequality. https://massbudget.org/about-us/staff/colin-jones/

Geeta Pradhan: President of the Cambridge Community Foundation. Geeta has extensive experience in philanthropy and community development, with a specific focus on addressing income inequality in Cambridge. She helped envision and structure the City’s $22 million Rise Up Cambridge, the only city-wide effort to offer a non-lottery cash assistance program and is leading the research to advocate for broader policy changes. https://cambridgecf.org/about/our-staff/

What to Expect:

Join us for a lively discussion led by these amazing panelists. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise promise a realistic and insightful exploration of the challenges of wealth, income, and racial inequality. This forum goes beyond simply identifying problems. Together, we'll explore ways to address these challenges, exploring potential approaches and ideas that can make a real difference in our communities. 

While we may not delve into specific actionable steps at this forum, the insights from our panelists will undoubtedly spark important discussions and pave the way for future action.

The forum is free and open to the public.

Together, we can work towards a more equitable future!

flyer for September Forum - Pathways to Equality

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2:00 PM14:00

Acton Boxborough Annual Picnic

Come enjoy an afternoon picnic with great food, great friends, and great elected officials, all for a great Democratic Party!

Suggested Donation: $10 per person / $20 per family

Register HERE or pay at the picnic by cash or check payable to the Boxborough Democratic Town Committee.

Our general meeting will follow the picnic.

*Parking available at the UCC Boxborough Church or at Town Hall (across the street)

Fifty one days …

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5:45 PM17:45

August General Meeting

There will be lots to talk about after the Democratic National Convention August 19-22. Please join us!

We will also hear from member Bob Van Meter regarding the Affordable Homes Act, followed by a discussion.

Gather at 5:30p to socialize. Meeting will start at 5:45p.

Seventy two days …

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6:00 PM18:00

Postcards for Mara Dolan for Governor's Council!

  • 13 Blueberry Path Acton, MA, 01720 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Think globally - act locally! This is a great opportunity to come together and make a difference by writing postcards for Mara Dolan for Governor’s Council

Join us for good company, food and conversation while we work to make a positive impact in our community.

Please RSVP to actondtc@gmail.com.


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5:45 PM17:45

July General Meeting

Please join us for our general meeting at Spice Pepper Garden. Join us at 5:30p to socialize. The meeting will start at 5:45p.

As Josh Marshall said in a comment to a reader:
”We. Have. To. Keep. Fighting. Because. That’s. The. Only. Realistic. Choice. We. Have.”

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5:00 PM17:00

May General Meeting

  • 13 Blueberry Path Acton, MA, 01720 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for our May General Meeting.

We will gather at 5p for a little celebration to honor for our previous Chair and Vice Chair. Our regular meeting will start at 5:45p.

We will be preparing for the Mass Dems State Convention - Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1, 2024 at the DCU Center Arena, Worcester.

Look forward to seeing you!

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4:00 PM16:00

Acton DTC 2024 Caucus

The Acton DTC will hold our caucus to elect 15 Delegates and 4 Alternates to represent the Town’s Democrats at the party convention in Worcester on June 1st.

All residents registered as Democrats in Acton by the start of the Caucus are eligible to vote and stand for election as delegates.

Pre-registered Democrats must be 16 years old by February 15, 2024 and must be pre-registered by the time registration at the caucus closes.

The Caucus will be in person only. Doors open and registration commences at 3.30 pm. You can save time by signing up on-line HERE.

If you would like to help, please send us an email to actondtc@gmail.com to let us know you want to volunteer.

Please note - The caucus will be followed immediately by a meeting to elect representatives to represent Acton Democrats at the State District Conference on Saturday March 23 2:00p. Although any registered Democrat in Action may run for election as one of these representatives, only Acton Democratic Town Committee members may vote in this election.

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4:00 PM16:00

Post-Holiday Party!

  • Minuteman Grille - Boxborough Regency (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us and the Boxoborugh Democratic Town Committee for our post-holiday gathering!

Let’s get 2024 off to a good start: See old friends. Meet new friends. Bring a friend!

Appetizers & Cash Bar Suggested Donation: $5 - $10.

For info contact: ActonDTC@gmail.com

Our general meeting will follow.

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5:45 PM17:45

December General Meeting

Please join us for our December General Meeting! All are welcome. Please note our new start time.

We will gather at 5:30p for our 5:45p meeting.

January 23, 2024 is the NH presidential primary!! As NBC reports: The conflict between New Hampshire and national Democrats means Biden’s name will be missing from the New Hampshire presidential primary ballot this year.

What are you doing to help get Democrats elected in 2024?

Stay tuned for more details!

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6:15 PM18:15

November General Meeting

Please join us for our November General Meeting. We will talk about what’s ahead for 2024 including moving our future meeting time to 5:30p gather for 5:45p meeting start.

Bring your ideas for how we are going to win in 2024. We have work to do!

Consider joining us for optional dinner after!

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6:15 PM18:15

Acton Democratic Town Committee October Meeting

After the exciting Mass Dems Convention, we have a lot to talk about! And 2024 is just around the corner!!

Speaking of which - every 4 years, all members are directly elected by the Town’s qualified voters on the Presidential Primary Ballot.  We will be finalizing the list, so please be sure to come by and sign the nomination papers if you wish to appear on the ballot.

Look forward to seeing you!

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2:00 PM14:00

Walk Against Hate

We are proud to co-sponsor the Walk Against Hate with Congregation Beth Elohim.

Please join the Acton-Boxborough community in a walk and rally against antisemitism, racism and all forms of bigotry.

Click HERE to sign up to walk or volunteer and for more information.

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